The Strategic Integration of Wildlife Mitigation into Transportation Procedures

The Strategic Integration of Wildlife Mitigation into Transportation Procedures National Study

Researchers and agency partners worked together to create a study and national manual for how wildlife considerations can become part of transportation processes and procedures.

Our team created a manual for the U.S. and Canada on the ways agencies and their partners can bring wildlife concerns into every step of the transportation process. There are many references and case studies to inspire.

Read our report on how agencies partner together to help create wildlife crossing structures across the U.S. and Canada

Our final report is a shorter version on how agencies partner together to help create wildlife crossing structures across the U.S. and Canada

Information on the Study

  • Recording of the June 23, 2022 Webinar on Wildlife & Transportation

    View the June 23 Webinar on How to Integrate Wildlife Concerns into Transportation Process.

  • A short article on the manual and case studies

    This article was part of a newsletter of the Committee on Environmental Analysis and Ecology (AEP70) of the U.S. Transportation Research Board

  • Final Slide Show of Integrating Wildlife Into Transportation Processes

    The June 23, 2022 webinar slide show is available as a pdf for your use. Please acknowledge and credit P. Cramer, and Nevada DOT if you use any of our slides. Thank you.

  • Federal Highways Public Roads Magazine Article on the Study

    Read an article that tells about how agencies and partners are succeeding in including wildlife into transportation planning, construction, and everyday operations.