Texas Reports & Other Publications

See below for links to reports and pubs

Incorporation of Wildlife Crossings into TxDOT’s Projects and Operations

Loftus-Otway, L., N. Jiang, P. Cramer, N. Oaks, D. Wilkins, K. Kockelman, and M. Murphy. 2019. Incorporation of wildlife crossings into TxDOT’s Projects and Operations. The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Transportation Research. Final Report, Technical Report 0-6971-1. 322 pages. URL: https://library.ctr.utexas.edu/ctr-publications/0-6971-1.pdf.

This research’s objective was to help ensure wildlife crossing considerations become routine part of state DOT project development processes. The work recommends specific language modifications to 18 Texas DOT (TxDOT) manuals and provides a new manual on wildlife crossing structures. The project findings demonstrate that data-driven, carefully planned, and well-designed wildlife crossing structures can enhance traffic safety significantly, are cost-effective across much of the TxDOT network, and help ensure that TxDOT can play a meaningful role in preserving human and animal lives and property for the benefit of current and future Texans.

Click on the image of the cover to download report.

White Paper: The Incorporation of wildlife crossings into TxDOT’s Projects and Operations

Jiang, N., P. Cramer, and L. Loftus-Otway. 2019. White Paper: The incorporation of wildlife crossing structures into TxDOT’s Projects and Operations. The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Transportation Research. Final Report, Technical Report 0-6971-p1. 31 pages. URL: https://library.ctr.utexas.edu/ctr-publications/0-6971-p1.pdf.

This white paper is a nice short review of how states and provinces in the US and Canada incorporate wildlife crossing structures into transportation. The purpose of this white paper is to provide a high-level overview concerning animal-vehicle conflict, including these elements:

- What are the safety and economic impacts of animal-vehicle conflict?

- Under what conditions should wildlife crossing structures be considered?

- How can planners identify the optimal mitigation strategies and what implementation issues need to be considered?

- What are some successful experiences from Texas and other states?

Click on the image of the cover and the report. should download from the University of Texas.